Advancing Humanity

Our Mission

Advancing Humanity one meal, one shelter, one interaction, one caring thought, one kind word, one kind gesture, one helping hand, one hug, one smile, one joy, one love, one volunteer, one donation, one test, one treatment, one medication, one therapy, one meditation, one talk, one listening, one speech, one idea, one inspiration, one innovation, one invention, one hope, one patient, one child, one life and one good cause at a time.

Advancing Humanity through our kindness, selflessness, hopefulness, joyfulness, togetherness and oneness. One-World. One Love.

Oneness. One-World. One Love.

Milky Way Galaxy

The deeper we look into the cosmos, the more galaxies we see. One 2016 study estimated that the observable universe contains two trillion galaxies. Our Milky Way Galaxy is only one in two trillion galaxies.

200 Sextillion Stars

There are approximately 200 billion trillion stars in the universe. Or, to put it another way, 200 sextillion stars. The Sun being one of the 200 sextillion stars.

Our Planet Earth

While our planet Earth may seem vast with more than 7 billion Earthlings. Our planet Earth is much smaller than a speck of dust relative to the observable universe. Therefore, we are all physically close, interconnected, and interdependent on one another than we think.

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

Albert Einstein

The path to happiness is kindness. The path to greatness is selflessness.

Jack Chang